We’re happy to see the latest version 1.1 is now available in the Embarcadero GetIt Package Manager for Delphi / C++ Builder 11.3 and 12.0!
Download the latest package directly in the IDE.
Besides many minor bugfixes this version contains lots of great new features:
- Fixed issues with AMD GPUs
- Material Behaviours (Wind, Rim-Lighting, Wobble or Color Management)
- Q3 Physics Joints (Spring, Fixed, Hinge, Magnet, Buoyance, …)
- FMOD Audio Manager with IDE Designtime support
- Refactored Prefab System
- Refactored Particles System
- GorillaScript with “Exit” & “Halt” statement
- Fixed tangent issues on Gorilla3D primitives
- Cachable FBX animations
- Diagnostics feature in TGorillaViewport
- Refactored Sketchfab Plugin
We’re curios about your projects. Feel free to share those with us!